AROUND 60 Leisure & Park Homes from most of the UK’s Leading Manufacturers
Will be on display for visitors to view inside and out! Set outside to create a ‘truly memorable experience’, with numerous industry specific exhibitors providing related products and services mixed in amongst the homes. In addition to the Homes and Services, a vast range of Park Sites are also promoted at the show giving visitors a complete ‘one stop shop’ experience. It’s a show not to be missed.

The World of Park & Leisure Homes is backed by an extensive on-going marketing campaign including radio, national & local newspapers, magazines, direct mail, lifestyle magazines & internet advertising together with selected roadside campaigns. Our marketing targets all groups but is aimed specifically at those in the 55+ age range, together with those groups with disposable income looking for new leisure options.
Research suggests that over 70% of the audience are looking to purchase within 24 months of visiting the show. We pride ourselves in making sure the show is not only Free to enter but visitors receive Free parking.
We have set aside a limited number of pitches at a price range to suit all budgets. For further information and to discuss availability and prices, please contact us on 01789 491451.
Park owners / operators, service suppliers & independent experts all on hand to compliment the homes on display, we have a whole host of Park Owners and Operators along with leading suppliers providing services and products including Finance, Refurbishment, Electrics, Sundecks, Security, Cassis, Insulation, Insurance, Site Funding plus much more.
In the Trade? Come along for a special Trade Preview Day on Thursday prior to the Open Days. What better place to give Land Owners, Park Owners, Park Operators and others a unique opportunity to spend quality time with the Manufacturers, viewing new models and other homes on display and considering new concepts and designs. It’s a perfect environment to do business and also a great chance to simply catch up with friends and colleagues from across the Industry.
Want to be involved? but only want to Exhibit on The ‘Trade Days’ (THURSDAY/FRIDAY) – No problem – AFTER SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHING OUR ‘TRADE DAYS’ AREA LAST YEAR – THIS WILL CONTINUE…….. Call Jo for more details and prices.
IF OUR SHOW IS YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE – GET ON BOARD, It’s easier than you think – CALL: 01789 491451 and discover how!